Find your fit at ASU ASU can help you achieve your academic goals no matter what they are. So let’s start with some basics — what are you looking to do? Earn a bachelor’s degree. Earn an advanced degree (masters, PhD, etc.). I'd like to experience college without the financial risk, while accruing credits. What are you doing now? I still have several years to go before I graduate high school Finishing up high school Studying at a community college or other university Serving in the military Looking to come back to finish the bachelor’s degree that I started Working Other How are high school studies going? 3.50 or better GPA 3.00 - 3.49 GPA Below 3.00 GPA How would you rather learn? I want to go to college on a campus and take all my classes in-person because a sense of community is important. I would like a mix of in-person and online learning experiences for flexibility and a sense of community. I want to take all my classes online so my schedule and location are more flexible. Which of these locations are you interested in living and learning? ASU campus in metro Phoenix, AZ Chula Vista, CA Los Angeles, CA Long Beach, CA Washington, D.C. West Hawai'i Yuma, AZ None of these, I want to stay where I am. Do you (or will you) live in any of these locations? Chula Vista, CA Long Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Washington, D.C. Yuma, AZ None of these, I want to stay where I am Would you rather study Architecture, construction and design Anthropology, sociology and cultural studies Business Communications and languages Computer science, software engineering and mathematics Criminology and forensics Earth, space and flight Education and teaching Engineering Entrepreneurship Fashion Film Fine arts, performance and film Health and wellness History, philosophy and humanities Nursing Journalism Public service and political science Pre-health Pre-law Psychology Sports, tourism and recreation Science Sustainability I'm not sure, exploratory ASU has several options that would fit you. Select the one that interests you ASU LocalChoose from more than 160 degrees taught by ASU professors. Courses are entirely online and support a flexible schedule, while you'll also supplement your learning with in-person guidance from your academic coach, personalized workshops and group activities with other students. ASU has several options that would fit you. Select the one that interests you. ASU in Los AngelesBased in downtown LA, the ASU California Centers offer in-person degrees including fashion, film, journalism and other creative disciplines. One of these centers is the Los Angeles home to ASU FIDM, our state-of-the-art fashion school. ASU LocalChoose from more than 140 degrees taught by ASU professors. Courses are entirely online and support a flexible schedule, while you'll also supplement your learning with in-person guidance from your academic coach, personalized workshops and group activities with other students. What’s your top interest area? Art and design Business Communication and digital media Computer science and technology Education Engineering Entrepreneurship and innovation Geographical sciences and urban planning Health and wellness History Humanities Information technology Law, criminal justice and public service Language Liberal arts Management Nursing Nutrition Psychology Science Social and behavioral sciences STEM Sustainability What excites you about the hybrid college experience? Immersing myself in a vibrant city as a learning environment Having the opportunity to connect and build friendships with my cohort mates on a weekly basis The flexibility to complete my coursework completely online Engaging in various experiential learning opportunities to be personally and professionally successful. I am a resident of… Arizona California Another US state or territory Another country and am a non-US citizen Another country but I have U.S. citizenship I have a unique citizenship status ASU has several options that would fit you. Select the one that interests you. ASU Local Courses are entirely online and support a flexible schedule. You'll also supplement your learning with in-person guidance from your success coach, personalized workshops and group activities with other students in a learner-friendly coworking environment. ASU Online No matter where you are in the world, you can earn a high quality ASU degree fully online and on your schedule without ever having to step foot on an ASU campus. What’s your top interest area? Art and design Business Communication and digital media Computer science and technology Education Engineering Geographical sciences and urban planning Health and wellness History Humanities Information technology Law, criminal justice and public service Language Liberal arts Management Nursing Nutrition Psychology Science Social and behavioral sciences STEM Sustainability I'm not sure, exploratory Did you know ASU Online has educational partnerships to make your degree more attainable? Yes, I am a Starbucks partner looking to participate in the Starbucks College Achievement Plan. Yes, I am an Uber/Uber Eats Driver or beneficiary. Yes, I am employed by a company that has partnered with ASU Online. That’s awesome, but this doesn’t apply to me. Which view appeals to you the most? Would you rather live and learn in a place where: You see the same faces almost every day You get the chance to meet new people on a day basis Somewhere in the middle What excites you about the college experience? Check all that apply and hit continue. Meeting new people and networking Living on my own and learning how to “adult” Learning from professors who are on the cutting edge of their field Learning how to start my own business or get funding for me ideas Work on innovative ideas and/or research that is improving our future Learning in innovative ways Learning to think creatively and work collaboratively Living in a fun and future-focused city, with lot of things to do and opps for internships Meeting people from all over the world, and/or studying abroad. What are you the most nervous about? Check all that apply and hit continue. A new place with new people The rigorous academics of college Living on my own for the first time Choosing the right major Paying for college Making friends Finding my way around What kind of weather do you prefer? Sunny...with the chance of a cloud Sunny...with a two hour drive to snow Sunny...lakeside Sunny...with the chance of a haboob I am a resident of… Arizona California A western state other than Arizona In another U.S. state or territory Non-U.S. citizen and live in another country US citizen that lives abroad I have a unique citizenship status How would you rather learn? I want to go to college on a campus and take all my classes in-person because a sense of community is important. I would like a mix of in-person and online learning experiences for flexibility and a sense of community. I want to take all my classes online so my schedule and location are more flexible. Which of these locations are you interested in living and learning? ASU campus in metro Phoenix, AZ Los Angeles, CA None of these, I want to stay where I am Would you rather study Architecture, construction and design Anthropology, sociology and cultural studies Business Fine arts, performance and film Communications and languages Computer science, software engineering and mathematics Criminology and forensics Earth, space and flight Education and teaching Engineering Entrepreneurship Health and wellness History, philosophy and humanities Nursing Journalism Public service and political science Law Psychology Sports, tourism and recreation Science Sustainability Which view appeals to you the most? Would you rather live and learn in a place where: You see the same faces almost every day You get the chance to meet new people on a day basis Somewhere in the middle What excites you about graduate studies? Check all that apply. Meeting new people and networking Learning from professors who are on the cutting edge of their field Learning how to start my own business or get funding for me ideas Work on innovative ideas and/or research that is improving our future Learning to think creatively and work collaboratively Living in a fun and future-focused city, with lot of things to do and opps for internships Meeting people from all over the world, and/or studying abroad. What kind of weather do you prefer? Sunny...with the chance of a cloud Sunny...with a two hour drive to snow Sunny...lakeside Sunny...with the chance of a haboob I am a resident of… Arizona In another U.S. state or territory Non-U.S. citizen and live in another country U.S. citizen that lives abroad I have a unique citizenship status What’s your top interest area? Art and design Business Communication and digital media Computer science and technology Education Engineering Geographical sciences and urban planning Health and wellness History Humanities Information technology Law, criminal justice and public service Language Liberal arts Management Nursing Nutrition Science Social and behavioral sciences STEM Sustainability I'm not sure, exploratory Please wait... Start over